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Do not go here if you want to get your nails painted. You will pay 20 pounds to have your skin painted, along with your nails. When I asked to have one nail on each hand glittery, the woman painted it on then looked at me in shock saying, "Do you actually like that?" as if it was the worst choice she'd ever seen. Upon pointing out the gelish polish surrounding my nail, the uneven colour and the poor filing job I asked for a refund which was refused. I was told to come back the next day. I should also mention that my nails took the woman about an hour and a half to paint, a very extended period of time. I explained that I would be away in Europe so this was impossible. I was told to come back the following week to get them redone. I agreed and went back a week later on a Saturday. Their business hours are 9-5:30 during the week so if you work full time it is impossible to get in until the weekend. When I went into the salon I asked to have my nails redone, reminding them I had been in the week before and told to come back. The woman in charge looked at my nails and said it was a week later, so what was wrong with them? I explained what had happened and also told her that I had brought along photos I had taken from the day they were painted. She then agreed to allow the woman to redo my nails for free (though this had been agreed the week before they had refused to give me anything with writing to say that this was so). My nails were redone and the colour was slightly more even. However, I still ended up with polish on the skin. When I was asked what I thought of it I pointed out the polish on my skin. The woman in charge came back and asked me what was wrong with them. I pointed out the problem, it was sloppily done, and that I would prefer a refund. The woman in charge told me that this was 'normal' and it would 'go away in a few days' so I would not be getting a refund. If I was really upset about the polish I could come back later and have it removed. She then tried to say that I should not have got a free polish this time anyways since it had been a week since I'd originally got it done. She asked me why I hadn't been in the next day and I explained that I'd been out of the country and I also have a full time job so Saturday was the first day I could get there. She then tried blaming the poor polish job on the fact that one of my nails was short and I had to the point to the fact that this was one nail and did not explain the situation on the other nine fingers. Ultimately, it was really horrible customer service and I still ended up having to pay for and waste two hours for a polish that I had to remove when I got home anyways.

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